Silver Supporter Command’s and Benefits
Visual Benefits:
- Green username in chat in lieu of blue
Item Benefits:
- Rail Car - Type /carrail in-game chat to spawn a car on the railroad tracks, /store carrail to store car until needed.
- Hot Air Balloon - Type /hab in-game chat to spawn a Hot Air Balloon, /store hab to store until needed.
- Personal Recycler – Type /rec to receive a personal Recycler that you can place at or inside your base.
- Sign Artist – Type /sil in-game chat to upload a copied URL image (png, jpg, etc.) and apply it to an in-game sign. Example: /sil “past URL that you copied to clipboard”.
- Poker table – Type /poker in-game chat to receive a personal poker table that can be placed at your base.
- Slot macheine – Type /slot in-game chat to receive a personal Slot Machine (two per wipe) that can be placed at your base.
- Roulette Table – Type /bet in-game chat to receive a betting wheel and four betting terminals (one per wipe) that can be placed at your base.
Resource Benefits:
- Backpack retrieve. This benefit allows you to build, craft, reload and more using items from your backpack without having to move them to your main inventory. This helps when building, upgrading, crafting, repairing, reloading, opening key locks, purchasing from vending machines, and unlocking blueprints via the tech tree.
Server Benefits:
- You will be excluded from any inactivity decay (your entities/base will never decay because of inactivity)
Discord Benifits:
- Halani Supporter - Access to the Halani Silver Supporter group only channel.